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Newsnews / going to the center for kids in olanesti


DFM visited kids in the Center for Temporary Placement of Children at Risk, Olanesti. The administration received everything necessary for such organizations of our country. Hopefully, this will bring a bit of comfort in lives of those, who call this place home.

Today there are 14 children of various ages in the center. All the kids ended up here for different reasons. Yet everyone feels unsure about the future, being in need of care and support.

As known needs of kids and teens vary widely, which causes additional troubles in upbringing process of the kids of various ages. After consulting with the center’s administration, we bought all the things needed. The following stuff has been transferred to Olanesti: carpet, two tables, chairs for preschoolers, two highchairs, board games. As always we brought home care products: our experience of helping such establishments suggests desperate need in these means. Children got sweets and fruits, and we got tones of happiness with their smiles and sincere gratitude.

Every time such visits tingles through souls, and we express the hope that more and more people will take care of their neighbors in trouble.

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